DashNex Mission:
Help the “little guy” to turn ideas into profitable businesses.
Look, everyone is ready to serve the rich.
They are building tools, offering training programs and provide overpriced services - all designed for them.
They offer trials with never-ending monthly subscriptions, forcing the “little guy” into more debt or giving up on their dreams.
That’s the SaaS today.
We’re here to change it.
Ever since our founder, Founder Peter Garety
started his digital business from nothing in 2008, he has been frustrated with the countless subscriptions required to launch something.
Want to use AI to generate content? - pay subscription.
Want to build a website or store? - pay subscription.
Want to launch a membership? - pay subscription.
Want to manage your users? - pay subscription.
Want to provide support? - pay subscription.
And the list is never-ending.

Besides, most SaaS require hiring an additional consultant or developer to set things up. It’s insane.
Understand this:
No SaaS has a justification to force their members to pay monthly.
Because if you don’t use the thing, there is no expense.

And therefore, everything on DashNex is based on the actual use - we don’t charge subscriptions.
Create a free account and have your first long-form content ready in minutes
Simply enter your details in the form below.
It’s Time to Turn More of Your Dreams into Viable Businesses Online
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