I want to talk to you about the product pages on an eCommerce store. More specifically, I want to talk about the importance of them in the context of becoming successful. Majority of the folks are not well-known with this and commit dropshipping mistakes. This costs them thousands of dollars in their sales every single day.

Most of the people trying a dropshipping business online have this idea that you can just go, let’s say on AliExpress, find some product there and copy and paste everything from the AliExpress product page and put that on your store, including the images and all the descriptions.

And then mark up the price, three times or four times the price on AliExpress and just sell them as they are.

Copy & Paste Sales Pages is the Biggest Dropshipping Mistake


So many people have this idea that they can copy and paste everything from AliExpress and then put the price five times higher than it is on AliExpress.

And they expect that people are going to be so dumb, that they will just go to the page, see all the copied descriptions, images, and titles.

They commit a dropshipping mistake by thinking that despite observing all the copy, paste products, customers will just pay four times more than it’s on AliExpress.

Because of this kind of thinking, the majority of the dropshippers are actually failing.

Now they are getting one, two, three, maybe a few sales here and there. But essentially they are spending more money on ads or driving traffic than they are making. The answer to this dropshipping mistake lies on the product page itself.

The Right Way to Avoid Dropshipping Mistake


You see, when you think about a product and the price of the product. You need to think about its representation. How the product is perceived when people look at your product page.

So, take the concept from the movie the Wolf of Wall Street where he tries to sell the pen and the concept is the same that you can sell just about anything for just about any price, when you make the presentation right.

If you take a product from AliExpress, your job as a dropshipper is to make it a look 10 times or 20 times the value. So your product page needs to be 10 times or 20 times the value or the price of the product that you sell.

If you’re selling something for let’s say for $10 or if you sell something for $100, you need to make it look like it’s a value of thousand dollars.

People are not buying products, people are buying deals. They want to feel that what they are getting is actually a very good deal. But when you copy and paste everything from AliExpress and you do no modifications whatsoever, and you list the same kind of style on your store, you commit a dropshipping mistake. You can’t charge more than what people charge on AliExpress.

But you can take the same product, create stunning images of the same product, create stunning video ad of the same product, create an impeccable description with all the little details in there and make it sound really, really powerful.

And that’s when you can start to charge five times the price.

The Proven Way


Because we run the Instant eCommerce platform and we look at hundreds of stores every single day and we have data at about those stores, I know this is a hard truth.

I have seen a store where one product, that costs $4 on AliExpress is being sold for $30 on the store that’s built on Instant eCom Store platform.

So on our platform using DashNex PowerTech and the same store is selling the same product, but every month it generates $50,000 in sales.

That’s one product.

Cost of the product is $4, but they are selling it for $30.

And every single month they are generating over $50,000 in revenue.

That’s because they have made all the effort necessary in order to make the product page high converting. They have a custom title, they have a custom description, they have all the information needed for a person to make a decision about the purchase, like the shipping times, the guarantee.

They have stunning images because the guy actually ordered the product himself. He hired a photographer who actually took the pictures of the product and he’s selling the product now for over a year and every single month that single product is generating or $50,000 in revenue.

And that’s because he put the effort in and he doesn’t do what the majority of dropshippers try to do. He didn’t copy and paste the description and all the product details from AliExpress, but instead, he focused on how to make the product powerful.

When you do that, that’s when you can expect to make a lot of money with a simple eCommerce store, with a simple dropshipping product.

The Dropshipping Business

This business dropshipping business is probably the simplest business you can build online. But you need to make an effort to present the product in the right way to avoid any dropshipping mistake.

Here at DashNex, we have built the technology to make it as simple as possible so that if you can really build a high converting product page out of the box.

But if you don’t make the effort to create that description, if you don’t make the effort to put nice looking images for your product, no technology will help you to make money with that product.

So, please remember that and take notes because your product, if you are not selling it right now, if it’s not selling right now on your store, then you probably need to look at two things.

Number one: What kind of value you deliver to people that are visiting that product page.

And number two: You need to also look at how much of a good deal you actually give to people. Is it really a good deal or is it something that they can buy anywhere else? And it’s not just about the price, it’s a combination of many things that you put on the product page.