5 Essential Elements Marketers Need In A Marketing Website Maker

marketing website maker

In this article, I will explain what you need from a marketing website maker. I’ll show the five specific elements that can directly impact your ability to generate more money through your marketing campaigns. Here are the five elements that are essential for a great marketing website maker. Marketing Website Maker With Simple Home Page […]

How To Make Awesome Product Videos For Digital Marketing

make awesome product videos

It’s no great secret that video content is far more effective in comparison to written text. You can convey far more information in a short video than a blog post, and people simply find it easier to digest. Thus, we can say that product videos matter a lot for digital marketing.  For marketers looking to […]

These 3 Must-Have Squeeze Page Design Elements Will Boost Your Conversion Rate

In this article, you’ll learn all about what squeeze pages are and most importantly, you’ll learn the three key elements that you need to include in your squeeze page to generate high conversions from day one.

What is a Squeeze Page?

In essence, a squeeze page is a page that provides two options for a visitor that comes to that page. They essentially have two choices that they need to make on that page:

  1. They can just leave – which is definitely not the ideal option, or;
  2. They can join you – ie they sign up for your email list and basically become a lead in your system.

It doesn’t matter what the layout looks like, it doesn’t matter what kind of elements you have on the page. Generally if the page gives just two choices, that’s a squeeze page. When visitors go to your squeeze page, they don’t have anywhere to click and explore other elements of your site: there’s no navigation or internal links.

And there’s a very important reason for this: you don’t want them to get distracted with the rest of your website. You want to guide them doing just one thing – sign up! So you just need to give them a reason and way to do just that!

Two-Step Lead Generation Process To Make Your Email List Grow Like Crazy

In this article, I’m going to share with you the lead generation process that builds massive email lists in record time. It doesn’t matter what your business is or what you’re selling. If you want to generate a lot of leads and build a massive email list quickly, this article is a must-read. The Two-Step […]